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Doctoral Study Program of AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS



English for Doctorates


This course weighs 3 credits and is a course open to postgraduate doctoral students. English lessons are given to improve the ability of SPs students to deepen knowledge, especially to improve the ability to read academic material, write, compile research results summaries and compose sentences in English, both passively and actively.



Science Philosophy


The study of knowledge and science broadly includes epistemology (logic, ontology, axiology, teleology), ethics, aesthetics, and discussion of the role of science and technology and morality in life to seek truth for the benefit of mankind. This course has 2 credits.



Research Methodology and Writing Scientific Papers


This course discusses an introduction to agricultural economic research, the basis of thinking and a scientific approach. Role, types and methods of economic research. The research process and the stages / steps of the research: planning, implementing and presenting the research results. Formulation of problems, theoretical frameworks and concepts, empirical review, formulation of research objectives, and hypotheses. Research design: sampling techniques, research instruments, data collection, data processing and analysis, preparation of research reports (thesis / dissertation). Research ethics, writing scientific papers (journal articles), selection and strategies to penetrate journals. Preparation of research proposals: several structured assignments and research proposal presentations and discussions.



Advanced Microeconomics


Review of methodological approaches, duality theory and envelop theory, advances in production and consumption theory approaches, general equilibrium competitive models, game theory and oligopoly, uncertainty and asymmetric information, asymmetric information and market behavior: poor reputation and selection, problems of signaling and moral disasters, risk grouping, insurance economics, risk dispersion, property rights economics, time and space economic evaluation.
Prerequisite: EKO 509



Advanced Macroeconomics


Solow Growth Model, infinite-Horizon (The Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans) model, overlapping Generations (the diamond) model, endogenous growth theory: R&D models, human capital models, the real business cycle, the traditional Keynesian business cycle, the IS-LM model and the Mundell-Fleming model, Lucas's imperfect information model, New Keynesian theory, inflation and monetary policy, issues and empirical studies of Indonesian macroeconomics part I and issues and empirical studies of Indonesian macroeconomics part II.
Prerequisite: EKO604



Advanced Applied Econometrics for Agricultural Economics


Review the Linear Regression Model and its Assumptions and How to Overcome the Violation of Their Assumptions with the help of Matrix notation; Generalized Least Squares and Maximum-Likelihood Estimation Method; Qualitative Choice Model (limited dependent variable); Time Series Models Stationary and Non-stationary and multiequation (VAR); Cointegration Model and Error Correction.
Prerequisite: EKO5xx


Prosperity Economics


Controversy in welfare economics, between positive and normative economics. Optimal conditions and compensation principle. The measure of the welfare of producers, consumers and resource owners is based on the concepts of surplus and willingness to pay. Aggregation and analysis of the dynamics of community welfare and their application in policy analysis.

Prerequisite: EKO509



Advanced Production Economics


Farming development and production economy. Production economy approach: classical and frontier production function, primal and dual approach. Productivity and efficiency. Agricultural input and output measurement problems. Cost theory. Economical size and scale of business. The principle of asset turnover. Technology changes. Agricultural diversification and food policy.



Advanced Agricultural Policy


Government intervention and its various problems. Problems of conflict of interest, rent seeking behavior, free riders, and public accountability in the formulation of agricultural policies. Structural implications of socio-political and agricultural structures in the formulation of agricultural policies. Agricultural policy framework and principles. The normative economy of government intervention. Special topics in agricultural policy.



Agricultural Financing and Business


This course discusses further the economics of agricultural business including agricultural business as a system of horizontal integration and vertical integration, agricultural risks and insurance, agricultural business institutional development. Agricultural financing as one of the important points that has been an obstacle in the development and development of agriculture is the main discussion in this lecture. It begins with the microbanking theory which is the basis for analysis, followed by various empirical studies from various countries that will enrich understanding and analysis of the aspects of financing and finance.



Further Agricultural Price Theory


The role of consumer theory and demand analysis in policy formulation. Basic model and its development. Estimates of multiple single equations and multiple systems of demand equation models. Calculation of the elasticity of demand and flexibility of demand as well as the effect of household size and product quality on demand. Consumer welfare and behavior, labor supply, consumption function and choice over time, demand for durable goods, consumer choice under conditions of uncertainty, and household production theory.



Advanced Agricultural Marketing


Critical study of economic theory and quantitative methods applied to agricultural problems. This lecture emphasizes using concepts to better identify agricultural marketing problems, placing them in a conceptual framework with hypotheses that are ready to be tested empirically and applying the results of hypothesis testing to draw conclusions. The current main issues examined in agricultural marketing include market performance-structure, receipt, efficiency, commodity promotion, quality standards, futures and hedging markets, price forecasting, government policies and regulations.



Advanced Consumption Economics


The role of consumer theory and demand analysis in policy formulation. Basic model and its development. Estimates of multiple single equations and multiple systems of demand equation models. Calculation of the elasticity of demand and flexibility of demand as well as the effect of household size and product quality on demand. Consumer welfare and behavior, labor supply, consumption function and choice over time, demand for durable goods, consumer choice under conditions of uncertainty, and household production theory.



Advanced Agricultural Price Policy


Risks and uncertainties in agricultural product prices in domestic and global markets. The context and approach to agricultural price policies and the international environment that influences them. Principles of pricing and public intervention in the domestic market. Fiscal policies and sectoral policies that affect agricultural prices. The influence of trade regimes, exchange rates, and incentive structures on agriculture. Measurement of the coefficient of protection and comparative advantage. Agricultural price policies to accelerate the growth process. Measuring the impact of pricing policies.





Advanced Agricultural Development


The discussion will focus on deepening various strategic issues related to agricultural development in Indonesia, such as food security policy and strategy issues, the problem of the consequences of the rice self-sufficiency program on the village and farmer economies, the problem of developing farmers' access to credit markets, the problem of developing farmers in the product-market agricultural products and the problem of damage to natural resources and the environment. Reviewing agricultural development with an agribusiness approach will be a special topic in lectures.


ESL 721

Advanced Natural Resource Economics and Policy


It is a continuation of Natural Resource Economics which will discuss further dynamic aspects of inter-temporal analysis, Optimum Control Theory, Phase-plane analysis for multiple deposits, multiple uses / user, multi species, multi-habitat and uncertainty, exploration costs and stock assessment. Furthermore, market correction intervention policies are discussed with the aim of optimizing present and future social welfare.





Advanced Institutional Economics


Studying institutional analysis looks at the linkage between policy products and institutions with the performance of resource management and policy products and legislation. Products of policies and laws and regulations in resource management and content analysis and relations between actors. Knowing the law of the sea that governs the management of marine resources in Indonesia.



Advanced Economics and Environmental Policy


The course material begins with studying the history and background of the emergence of environmental economics




Advanced Operations Research


Further discussion of operational research research approaches and methodologies. Operations research models: linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic, integer and noninteger, single and multiple objectives, deterministic and probabilistic. Construction and application of operations research models in the study of microeconomic and macroeconomic problems and policies.



Agricultural Household Economics


This subject discusses the basic knowledge of agricultural household economics (ERP) including the economic approach in the analysis of human behavior, theories, models, and methodology. Subjective equilibrium theory, the ERP model without and with the labor market in a perfectly competitive and imperfect market structure. Household economic analysis includes internal factors and external factors. The relationship between family economic behavior and decisions includes the use and distribution of work, production and income, consumption expenditure and household investment.



Advanced Agricultural Trade


This course is a continuation of the agricultural trade course which emphasizes international trade, policies and the impact of bilateral, multilateral and regional free trade agreements, especially for developing countries and agricultural commodities. It also studies economic models (partial and general equilibrium models) and their application to analyze the impact of changes in agricultural and international trade policies. The approach taken is structured lectures and discussion of journals related to trade in the agricultural sector.



Economics of Agrarian Policy


Mastery of agrarian resources is crucial for people whose main source of income is land-based agricultural activities. The pressure of population growth on relatively limited agrarian resources and the commercialization of agriculture gave rise to complex agrarian problems. The lecture will examine various theories and issues related to agrarian problems. Topics covered include: (a) operating mechanisms of "agricultural land markets", (b) land rent theories, (c) the existence of various land institutions, their rationality and implications for efficiency and income distribution, (d) conservation and development of efficiency and income distribution, (d) conservation and development of land resources, (e) “interlinking models of land, labor and credit”, (f) population pressure on land, the green revolution and its implications for the distribution of access to land and income distribution and (g) political economy from land conflicts and agrarian reform in Indonesia.



Economy of Cooperatives and Agricultural Institutions


The role of co-operative ini agriculture development: Structure and scope of Agricultural co-operatives; Co-operatives in other industries; Government and Co-operatives; Co-operative integration; Supporting organization; Historical development. Economic Theory of Co-operatives: Economic justification of agricultural co-operatives; Economic theory and its application to supply co-operatives; Theory of marketing co-operatives (product and pricing strategies); Theory of co-operative finance (distribution of net income, equity and debt, equity redemption, taxation). Special Issues of Co-peratives: Capital perspective in co-operatives; Coperative and Anti Trust Law; The special case of the productive co-operative; Special topics in marketing co-operatives; Special topics in financial co-operatives.



Advanced Agribusiness Systems and Enterprises


This course provides an understanding at an advanced level of understanding, conditions, various problems and solutions for agribusiness systems and businesses, especially from the perspective of economics and within a framework related to other sciences. The course material will cover (1) agribusiness production and value chains, (2) agribusiness consumer behavior, (3) agribusiness product markets and prices, and (5) political applications and agribusiness development policies. The theory and application studies are at the micro level (companies, households), meso (industry, systems and business networks) and macro (countries), as well as regional and international (between countries).





Entrepreneurship and Advanced Innovation


This course provides an understanding of entrepreneurial economic thinking, entrepreneurship and local economic policies, drivers of regional entrepreneurship and agribusiness, agribusiness entrepreneurship and growth, determinants of entrepreneurship in agribusiness systems and enterprises, entrepreneurial activities and welfare, women's entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and social change. , entrepreneurship and innovation in an agribusiness perspective





Agribusiness Product Value Chain


This course provides an in-depth foundation of the concepts and analysis of agribusiness value chains. Subject topics include value chain thinking, namely an introduction to value chains and systems, value chain mapping, value chain performance assessment, strategic value chains and systems management (including supply and demand forecasting, standards, value chain governance and coordination). In addition, this course will discuss the development of value chain analysis and systems (including value chain failures, value chain externalities, global value chains), and value chain sustainability, intervention and gender in agribusiness value chains. This course also uses a case study approach (a cased-based approach) in understanding the principles of agribusiness value chain principles



Special Topic


Recent economic and development topics that are relevant to the development of theories and methods in the field of agricultural economics.



Written Qualification Exam


Doctoral program students are required to take a written qualification exam to ensure mastery of knowledge and readiness to conduct research. Examination is regulated by the study program. The form of the examination includes mastery of research methodology in the field of science, mastery of material both basic and specific, reasoning abilities including the ability to abstract, and the ability to systemize and formulate thought results.





Oral Qualification Exam


Doctoral program students are required to take an oral qualification exam in an examination hearing after taking a written qualification exam; as part of guaranteeing the readiness to conduct dissertation research. Examiners in this examination trial are the supervisory commission, outside-commission examiners and study programs.





Dissertation Colloquium


The colloquium is taken by students to present research themes that will be carried out by students.



Dissertation Proposal


In this course, students compile a final project proposal under the direction of the supervisory commission



Dissertation Seminar


Seminar is the presentation of the results of dissertation research in a scientific forum for the Postgraduate School to disseminate research results, both in writing and orally, to absorb input from forums to improve the thesis, increase scientific insight, and improve scientific communication competence. Provide a way of writing various scientific papers includes writing project proposals and reports, including how to convey and present data, making slides and transparencies, and using computers with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Viewer


National Publication


Masters Program students are required to publish one article of their research results in an accredited national scientific journal. Publication in accredited national journals is a requirement before students conduct a thesis examination.


International Publications


Doctoral Program students are also required to publish one research article on their dissertation in a reputable international scientific journal. Publication in reputable international journals is one of the requirements before students conduct closed examinations.


Closed Examination


Closed examination sessions are conducted to test the competence and knowledge of doctoral candidates related to the field of study program and the dissertation of their research results. If not, the student can be declared as not graduating. Students are given the opportunity to repeat one exam, which can be carried out no later than two months after the first exam. Students who do not pass the exam twice are declared to have dropped out of SPs IPB.




The dissertation is an academic paper that is the result of an in-depth study or research conducted independently and contains novelty contributions to the development of science and technology or finding new answers to problems for which the answer is known or asking new questions about things that are is considered established in science and technology, which is carried out by doctoral candidates under the supervision of their supervisors.
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